Sunday, December 26, 2010

Indian government attacks the illegal mobile phone of grey market of the mobile phone and forbids networking

After forbidding using the GSM cell-phone, Indian government should forbid providing service to CDMA cellphone subscriber without all of the only heading code now. But different from GSM cellphone subscriber, GSM cellphone subscriber can choose, get Mobile the intersection of heading code and implantation through software before November 30, perhaps CDMA users can not get the requirement for this kind of relaxation.
This measure aims at attacking about 200 to 3 million CDMA users who buy the mobile phone from gray market.
Indian government adopts this action after seeing the wireless demonstration of the porcelain of manufacturer Beijing of Japanese mobile phone. Beijing porcelain wireless to notify Indian foreign trade general bureau say the legal CDMA cell-phone has a the intersection of mobile communication and the intersection of device recognition and No. MEID under the Department of Commerce As the unique number, are similar to the international mobile communication device recognition brass-wind instrument IMEI of the GSM cell-phone .
The porcelain of Beijing is wireless to point out, Indian government forbids the order without illegal mobile phone of IMEI number not to include the gray CDMA cell-phone, so necessary supplementary one command these increase MEID to discern number in this ban.
Indian foreign trade general bureau has already solicited the opinion of the Indian telecommunication department on this question. The high-ranking official of telecommunication department shows a letter takes place to support this to forbid orders for the general bureau of the foreign trade to them.
IMEI and MEID discern the number code of the identity of the mobile equipment. These heading codes can stop using the mobile phone stolen and help the tracing users of security service. However, there is no this kind of heading code in a lot of mobile phones sold on gray market. Most of this kind of mobile phones that the gray market of India sells come from China’s Mainland and Taiwan of China.
The intersection of India and telecommunication department had already ordered to demand to move the operator and stop providing service to the cellphone subscriber without IMEI heading code in early time. This one command begins to come into force on December 1 this year. The intersection of the foreign trade and general bureau will release the notice that forbids importing the illegal CDMA cell-phone after receiving the notice of communication department.
However, these prohibitions should be smaller than the impact on GSM cellphone subscriber to CDMA cellphone subscriber’s influence, because all CDMA cell-phones were sold through operator two years ago, so it is very difficult for the trade company on the gray market to sell any of this kind of mobile phone.

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