Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Invisible dangers from cell phones and electronics may cause cancer

Electronic devices can be killer. They can also be killer.
Besides the legion of texters who have driven themselves and others to early graves, by texting in their cars, electronic devices themselves have cancer on speed dial.
Dangerous EMFs (Electro Magnetic Field) are America's silent killers. They are electric fields generated by charged particles from microwave ovens, televisions, radios, medical X-rays and cell phones.
Most of the public remains unaware of the dangers EMFs pose, especially related to our beloved cell phones. Dr. Lennart Hardell of Orebro University in Sweden reviewed epidemiological studies that found cell phone users had an increased risk of malignant gliomas. He found a link between cell phone use and a higher rate of acoustic neuromas. Tumors were found to be more likely to occur on the side of the head that the cell handset is used. This study indicated that one hour of cell phone use per day significantly increases tumor risk after 10 years or more. Daily use constantly bombards the body with radiation and a potential danger of causing serious diseases within decades and spells potential danger for future generations.
Consistent exposure, exceeding the standard, can place someone at risk to develop headaches, fatigue, dizziness, skin rashes, miscarriage, leukemia and cancer. Carrying cell phones close to the body can put reproductive organs at risk of sterility. Prostate cancer, breast cancer and other cancers developing later in life are also a risk.
Children are especially susceptible to EMF damage in their formative years. As early as 1979 a research report by Wertheimer and Leeper concluded that children living near power lines had an increased risk of developing cancer. Dr. Om Ghandi of the University of Utah found that children under 10 could absorb radiation across their entire brain. Children using cell phones absorb as much as double the radiation through their skulls as adults. In Child Genius Magazine Dr. Gerard Hyland at the Warwick University wrote of the danger of microwaves from mobile phones.
An article in Child Genius Magazine stated health consequences caused by the
"The main effects are neurological, causing headaches, lack of concentration, memory loss and sleeping disorders," wrote Hyland. "It can also cause epilepsy in children. Children are particularly vulnerable because they are still developing their immune systems and are less robust than adults."
Professor Leif Salford at Lund University in Sweden also warned of cell phone danger. "The voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves and hand-held mobile phones [is] the largest human biological experiment ever," he wrote.
Cell phones and the new wireless technology could cause a "whole generation" of today's teenagers to go senile in the prime of their lives, research suggests.
Being aware is the first step to changing this increasingly dangerous issue which could affect us for generations to come. The Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress recommends a policy of "prudent avoidance" to measure EMF fields, determine the sources and act to reduce exposure. Some devices manufactured by Samsung, Sanyo and Sony are taking steps to make safer cell phones. Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola have taken out patents for protective devices to reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the brain, evidentially acknowledging their devices that could cause harm. These big three are facing multimillion-dollar legal actions by people claiming their health has been damaged by cell phones.
Being wise is the best protection. Using Bluetooth's with a wire leading to the device can be better protection from EMFs. Carrying phones in a leather belt holster, backpack or purse is preferable. Use speakerphones when possible and limit phone use to less than 30 minutes at a time. Phones should be turned off at night and put away from the bed. This is especially true for computer-like devices. Those using their phones for alarms could opt for an old fashioned alarm clock instead of risking harm from EMFs.
Consumers worldwide have been alerted to the health hazards of EMFs and no doubt there will be more stringent policies put into place in the future. California went so far as to eliminate smoking in bars and restaurants. Cell phones may be next.
Cell phones are here to stay. But should our health be put at risk? It is time to investigate and make adjustments so that cell phones do not become the cigarette of the 21st century.

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