Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nokia rumored to release Windows Phone 7 smartphones in 2011

Nokia is reportedly negotiating with Microsoft for the use of Windows Phone on its future devices. And this only a couple of weeks after Andy Rubin from Google came out stating his hopes that Nokia would be switching to Android sooner rather than later.
The news appeared in an article by Eldar Murtazin of Mobile-Review, which has a strong reputation for predicting this sort of things. The Russian site has it that it was Nokia’s recently installed CEO, Stephen Elop (ex-Microsoft) who has been arranging meetings with his former company to prepare the line of Windows Phone 7 phones, which will be seemingly launched in Q2 2011. The devices would be sold under the Nokia brand, through Nokia distribution channels and would sport Nokia typical features. Slim chances for that to happen,though, because the first MeeGo phones are also expected in the second quarter of next year.
Nokia rumored to release Windows Phone 7 devices next year
And let’s not forget about Nokia’s boasting statements about the new Symbian and Meego which suggested confidence in the Finnish company’s software strategy. Could they have been only empty words ? It’s almost impossible to imagine a company which revolutionized the telecom market giving Microsoft free access to its devices. Another possibility is that this is only a temporary measure, in order to give Nokia more time on finishing the new Symbian and Meego.
Nokia released a short statement to the press, to reinforce their past decision to refuse to comment on any speculation. So I guess only time will tell whether Nokia will be giving up on its upcoming two OS’s in favor of Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7. Stay tuned !

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