Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top Mobile Phones with Long Battery Life

A cell phone without a good battery life is like a body without soul. No matter how good the features are mobile phonesare useless if they don’t have a good battery backup. Today, major cell phone manufacturers ensure that they come up with stronger battery performance because users today use different apps and features on their cell phones which can consume a lot of juice and to compliment all that features a good battery backup is essential. However, not all cell phone models are good at providing long lasting battery backup because of various reasons.

Mobile Phones with Long Battery Life

However, here we will take a look at some of the best mobile phones that were launched in 2010 and that have a good long lasting battery performance.

1. Samsung Wave S8500

If you are ready to buy some of the best mobile phones with great battery life then you should go for Samsung Wave S8500. It is one of the best smartphones that Samsung have launched this year and it is not only loaded with the best apps and screen resolution but it also has a powerful 1500mAh battery which makes it one of the best smartphones with a good battery life. One of the main reasons why Samsung has incorporated such a powerful battery to this model is because of the Super AMOLED screen which consumes a lot of battery power. However, with 1500mAh battery you are always safe.

2. Nokia N8

Nokia is trying really hard to keep up to the competition in the global market. Hence, we have seen that Nokia is now trying to come up with mobile phones that have good battery life for users who need a lot of juice to keep their conversations on. The Nokia N8 comes with a battery that you cannot remove but it certainly has the best performance among other Nokia mobile phones. The battery life can go up to 42 hours and that is almost 2 days. You can do a lot on it like web browsing, listening to music, voice calls, gaming and even enjoy photography on its 12 megapixel camera.

3. Nokia E5

Nokia has been concentrating now on smaller issues apart from style and browsing capabilities and hence they came up with various mobile phones in 2010 that had a good battery life. Nokia E5 certainly is among the best Nokia mobile phones released in 2010 because it has an 18 hours talk time capacity and when you do browsing and enjoy your music player you still get 700 hours of entertainment. For this Nokia E5 has 1200mAh battery attached to it that provides you more battery juice when you want it.

4. LG Optimus PG 500

Although, LG did not had a good year it came up with more than 12 mobile phones in the year. Not all of them were good but towards the end of the year LG came up with their smartphone LG Optimus PG 500 which is certainly a good smartphone with good battery life. The smartphone has been incorporated with 1500mAh battery for all the entertainment and usage. You can enjoy battery life of more than 700 hours on this mobile phone in just one single charge. If you are connected through 3G you can still enjoy 550 hours of battery life.

5. Samsung Champ c3300K

Samsung is now trying to reach wider audiences and therefore Samsung came up with something that would please audiences with tight budget. The Samsung Champ is for those who want to enjoy the experience of iPhone at a low price. This full touch screen mobile phone certainly does not have the features of iPhone but the full touch screen and amazing sound quality along with extremely good battery life makes it one of the best selling phones in Asian market. You can enjoy more than 650 hours of music on it and when kept on standby mode this tiny mobile can last up to 27 days.

6. Google Nexus S

This is probably the latest mobile phone in the market and it is already making a lot of buzz for its latest Android platform, Gingerbread. However, Google Nexus S is more than a smartphone and to ensure that it has a lot of power for backup Google has provided 1500mAh battery to it. The Google Nexus S has around 7 hours of talk time and you can enjoy 428 hours of standby time. Google Nexus S has a Super AMOLED touch screen which is also one of the reasons why Google and Samsung decided to put a powerful battery inside this latest smartphone. The 3G connectivity can consume a lot of juice but that depends on how users use their 3G connections.

7. Nokia C7

Nokia N8 had already received a lot of buzz in the mobile market and to make it much better Nokia came up with another sleek cheaper version of N8 known as C7. However, C7 has been given a good sleek looks to it more impulsive mobile buyers. Although, mobile critics are not happy with the social networking options provided in C7, they are thoroughly happy with the battery performance and surely this one is among the best battery life mobile phones of 2010. You can enjoy more than 9 hours of talk time and 54 hours of music on it in one charge. The standby time is around 552 hours on 2G and 648 on 3G networks.

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