Saturday, May 12, 2012

Nokia 808 PureView coming to the US after all

Nokia's groundbreaking, 41-megapixel smartphone will be officially released in North America

Nokia 808 PureView
Nokia's upcoming 808 PureView, which will include a gigantic 41-megapixel camera sensor

Despite rumors to the contrary, the president of Nokia U.S. has confirmed that the company's amazing 41-megapixel smartphone, the 808 PureView, will be receiving an official North American release.
American users have been waiting with baited breath for the Finnish manufacturer to throw caution to the wind and release the device in the U.S, and after recently confirming plans to release it down Mexico's way, the fine folks in Espoo have obliged!
The device, which won best in show at February's Mobile World Congress, will be launched through selected retailers. Although the phone won't be picked up by any carriers, it will offer support for two of the nation's most popular: AT&T and T-Mobile.
In an interview given to PCMag, Chris Weber spoke about the company's recent highs and lows, and when asked about the future of the 808 PureView he responded by saying that "We'll figure out a way to make that available in the U.S. in the next couple of months." That statement is likely to be music to the ears of photography majors.
There's no word yet on which retailers will be stocking the device, or indeed, what pricing Nokia has in mind. But you can rest assured we'll have our noses to ground and will bring you all you need to know as soon as it surfaces

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